Tours to Cusco and all of Peru!

Accessible Tourism Cusco - Packages for People with Disabilities

Turismo Accesible Cusco - Paquetes para personas con Discapacidad

Mosoq Huayra, es una empresa de jóvenes profesionales exclusivamente para brindar servicios turísticos. Somos especialistas en turismo accesible para personas con discapacidad, ofreciendo la debida atención del más alto nivel, descubriendo los encantos y brindándole la oportunidad de conocer los atractivos que el Perú posee, en especial el Qosqo como el destino misterioso y encantador de todo Latinoamérica y el mundo.

Confía en nosotros y sabremos darle el servicio que usted necesita con la mayor calidad, un trato personal y humano y el mejor precio.

Las Islas flotantes

This trip allows to visit one of the highlights on the lake "the uros floating islands" an ancient ethnic group of people living on lake Titicaca since pre-incan times, they are still maintaining their original lifestyle just fishing, hunting birds, gathering eggs and using the reeds almost for everything even to eat. The men are excellent sailors and the women are expert weavers.

Las Islas flotantes

This trip allows to visit one of the highlights on the lake "the uros floating islands" an ancient ethnic group of people living on lake Titicaca since pre-incan times, they are still maintaining their original lifestyle just fishing, hunting birds, gathering eggs and using the reeds almost for everything even to eat. The men are excellent sailors and the women are expert weavers.